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Asbestos Notification

District in Compliance

Asbestos Notification
The Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) is part of federal regulations which require school districts to inspect each school building for asbestos-containing building materials and to maintain an asbestos management plan.

The first asbestos management plan for the district was completed and filed with the state in 1999.  Required three-year re-inspections have been conducted since then by the district’s asbestos consultant.  Copies of the management plan are located in the main office of each school building.  The most recent inspection of all buildings, records, and management plans was conducted July 2015  and was found to be in compliance with all EPA and AHERA guidelines.

The buildings in the district are maintained according to all federal and state guidelines.

In keeping with AHERA regulations, you are being notified of this information.  If you have questions concerning asbestos in our school districts, please feel free to contact Tim Hood at 624-8700