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Teacher: _____________________________ Grade or content: ___________ Self-evaluation Date: ____________ Student-Centered Focus of RubricTeacher-Centered Focus of RubricStandard 1: Demonstrates ability to enhance academic performance and support for implementation of the school districts student achievement goals.CRITERIADistinguishedProficientBasicUnsatisfactoryProvides evidence of student learning to students, families, and staff.Teacher provides frequent evidence of student learning to students and parents with student input. Other staff is involved as needed.Teacher provides frequent evidence of student learning to students, parents, and other staff.Teacher provides some evidence of student learning to students, parents, and other staff.Teacher provides little evidence of student learning to the student, parent, or other staff.Implements strategies supporting student, building, and district goals.Learning strategies are highly relevant to students or instructional goals. The progression of activities is coherent, producing a unified whole reflective of recent professional research.Most of the learning strategies are suitable to students or instructional goals. Progression of activities is fairly even, and most activities reflect recent professional research.Only some of the learning strategies are suitable to students or instructional goals. Progression of activities is uneven, and only some of the activities reflect recent professional research.Learning strategies are not suitable to students or instructional goals. They do not follow an organized progression and do not reflect recent professional research.Uses student performance data as a guide for decision making.Students are aware of how they are meeting the established standards and participate in planning the next steps.Teacher uses assessment results to plan for individual and groups of students.Teacher uses assessment results to plan for the class as a whole.Assessment results affect planning for students in a minimal way.Accepts and demonstrates responsibility for creating a classroom culture that supports the learning of every student.Students and the teacher establish and maintain instructional strategies, activities, interactions, and the classroom environment for all students to achieve.Instructional strategies and activities, interactions, and the classroom environment convey high expectations for all students to learn.Instructional strategies and activities, interactions, and the classroom environment convey inconsistent expectations for all students to achieve.Instructional strategies and activities, interactions, and the classroom environment convey only modest expectations for all students to learn.Creates an environment of mutual respect, rapport, and fairness.Teacher demonstrates genuine caring and respect for individual students. Students exhibit respect for teacher as an individual, beyond that for the role.Teacher-student interactions are friendly and demonstrate general warmth, caring and respect. Such interactions are appropriate to the developmental or cultural norms. Students exhibit respect for the teacher.Teacher interactions are generally appropriate but may reflect occasional inconsistencies, favoritism, or disregard to the age or culture of the students. Students exhibit only minimal respect for the teacher.Teacher instruction with at least some students is negative, demeaning, sarcastic, or inappropriate to the age or culture of the students. Students exhibit disrespect for the teacher. Participates in and contributes to a school culture that focuses on improved student learning.Both students and the teacher establish and maintain instructional strategies and activities, interactions, and the classroom environment. High expectations for student achievement.Instructional strategies and activities, interactions, and the classroom environment convey high expectations for student achievement.Instructional strategies and activities, interactions, and the classroom environment convey inconsistent expectations for student achievement.Instructional strategies and activities, interactions, and the classroom environment convey only modest expectations for student achievement.Communicates with students, families, colleagues, and communities effectively and accurately.Teacher provides frequent information to student, parents, and colleagues as appropriate about the instructional program. Students participate in preparing materials for their families. Teacher provides frequent information to students, parents, and colleagues as appropriate, about the instructional program.Teacher participates in the schools activities for student, parent, and colleague communication but offers little additional information.Teacher provides little information about the instructional program to students, parents or colleagues. Standard 2: Demonstrates competence in content knowledge appropriate to the teaching position.CRITERIADistinguishedProficientBasicUnsatisfactoryUnderstands and uses underlying themes, relationships, and different perspectives related to the content area.Teacher displays extensive content knowledge, with evidence of continuing pursuit of such knowledge.Teacher displays solid content knowledge and makes connections between the content and other parts of the discipline and other disciplines.Teacher displays basic content knowledge but cannot articulate connections with other parts of the discipline or with other disciplines.The teacher makes content errors or does not correct content errors students make.Uses knowledge of student development to make learning experiences in the content area meaningful and accessible for every student.Teacher displays knowledge of student development to make learning experiences meaningful for every student.Teacher displays knowledge of student development to make learning experiences meaningful but are not accessible for every student.Teacher displays some knowledge of student development to make learning experiences meaningful but are not accessible for every student.Teacher displays little uses of knowledge of student development in making learning experiences meaningful and accessible for every student.Relates ideas and information within and across content areas.Teacher actively builds on knowledge and understanding of prerequisite relationships when describing instruction or seeking causes for student understanding.Teachers plans and practices reflect understanding of prerequisite relationships among topics and concepts important for student learning of the content.Teacher indicates some awareness of prerequisite learning although such knowledge may be incomplete or inaccurate for student learning of the content.Teacher displays little understanding of prerequisite knowledge important for student learning of the content.Understands and uses instructional strategies that are appropriate to the content area.Teacher displays continuing search for best practices and anticipates student misconceptions.Instructional practices reflect current research on best strategies within the discipline but without anticipating student misconceptions.The teacher displays basic understanding of instructional strategies but does not anticipate student misconceptions.The teacher displays little understanding of current instructional strategies appropriate for student learning. Standard 3: Demonstrates competence in planning and preparing for instruction.CRITERIADistinguishedProficientBasicUnsatisfactoryUses student achievement data, local standards, and the district curriculum in planning for instruction.The proposed approach to assessment is completely congruent with the instructional goals, both in content and process. Assessment criteria and standards are clear and have been clearly communicated to students. There is evidence that students contributed to the development of them. Students are aware of how they are meeting the standards and criteria.All of the instructional goals are nominally assessed through the proposed plan, but the approach is more suitable to some goals than others. Assessment criteria and standards are clear and have been communicated to students. Teacher uses assessment results to plan for individual and groups of students.Some of the instructional goals are assessed though the proposed approach, but many are not. Assessment criteria and standards have been developed, but they are either not clear or have not been communicated to students. Teacher uses assessment results to plan for the class as a whole.Content and methods of assessment lack congruence with instructional goals. The proposed approach contains no clear criteria or standards. The assessment results affect planning for these students only minimally.Sets and communicates high expectations for social, behavioral, and academic success of all students.Standards of conduct are clear to all students and appear to have been developed with student participation. The classroom environment, established with student input, conveys high expectations for all students to learn.Standards of conduct are clear to all students. The classroom environment conveys high expectations for all students to learn. Standards of conduct appear to have been established for most situations, and most students seem to understand them. The classroom environment conveys an inconsistent expectation for all students to learn.No standards of content appear to have established, or students are confused as to what the standards are. The classroom environment conveys only modest expectations for all students to learn.Uses students developmental needs, backgrounds, and interests in planning for instruction.Teacher displays knowledge of typical developmental characteristics of age groups, exceptions to general patterns, and the extent to which each student follows patterns.Teacher displays thorough understanding of the developmental characteristics of age groups as well as expectations to general patterns.Teacher displays generally accurate knowledge of the developmental characteristics of age groups.Teacher displays minimal knowledge of developmental characteristics of age groups.Selects strategies to engage all students in learning.All students are cognitively engaged in the activities and assignments in their exploration of content. Students initiate or adapt activities and projects to enhance understanding.Most activities and assignments are inappropriate for students in terms of their age or backgrounds. Almost all students are cognitively engaged in them.Some activities and assignments are appropriate for students and engage them mentally, but others to not.Activities and assignments are inappropriate for students in terms of their age or backgrounds. Students are not engaged mentally.Uses available resources, including technologies, in the development and sequencing of instruction.Instructional materials and resources are suitable to the instructional goals and engage students mentally. Students initiate the choice, adaptation, or creation of materials to enhance their own learning.Instructional materials and resources are suitable to the instructional goals and engage students mentally.Instructional materials and resources are partially suitable to the instructional goals, or students level of mental engagement is moderate.Instructional materials and resources are unsuitable to the instructional goals or do not engage students mentally. Standard 4: Uses strategies to deliver instruction that meets the multiple learning needs of students.CRITERIADistinguishedProficientBasicUnsatisfactoryAligns classroom instruction with local standards and district curriculum.Teachers instruction aligns with district standards/benchmarks, and established curriculum and connects to other disciplines and content areas.Teachers instruction aligns with district standards/benchmarks, and established curriculum.Teachers instruction sometimes aligns with district standards/benchmarks, and established curriculum.Teachers instruction does not align with district standards/benchmarks, and established curriculum.Uses research-based instructional strategies that address the full range of cognitive levels.Learning activities are highly relevant to students and instructional goals. They progress coherently, producing a unified whole reflecting recent professional research.Most of the learning activities are suitable to students or instructional goals. Progression of activities in the unit is fairly even, and most of the activities reflect recent professional research.Only some of the learning activities are suitable to students or instructional goals. Progression of activities in the unit is uneven, and only some of the activities reflect recent professional research.Learning activities are not suitable to students or instructional goals. They do not follow an organized progression and do not reflect recent professional research.Demonstrates flexibility and responsiveness in adjusting instruction to meet student needs.Teacher successfully makes a major adjustment to a lesson.Teacher makes a minor adjustment to a lesson, and the adjustment occurs smoothly.Teacher attempts to adjust a lesson, with mixed results.Teacher adheres rigidly to an instructional plan, even when a change will clearly improve a lesson.Engages students in varied experiences that meet diverse needs and promote social, emotional, and academic growth.All students are cognitively engaged in the activities and assignments and assignments in their exploration of content. Students initiate or adapt activities and projects to enhance understanding.Most activities and assignments are appropriate for students in terms of their age or backgrounds. Almost all students are cognitively engaged in them.Some activities and assignments are inappropriate for students and engage them mentally, but others do not. Activities and assignments are inappropriate for students in terms of their age or backgrounds. Students are not engaged mentally.Connects students prior knowledge, life experiences, and interests in the instructional process.Teacher displays knowledge of each students interests, prior knowledge, life experiences, or interests and recognizes the value of this knowledge.Teacher displays knowledge of the students interests, prior experiences, life experiences, or interests.Teacher recognizes the value of the students interests, prior knowledge, life experiences, or interests but displays this knowledge for the class only as a whole.Teacher displays little knowledge of the students interests, prior knowledge, life experiences, or interests and does not indicate that such knowledge is valuable.Uses available resources, including technologies, in the delivery of instruction.Instructional materials and resources are suitable to the instructional goals and engage students mentally. Students initiate the choice, adaptation, or creation of materials to enhance their own learning.Instructional materials and resources are suitable to the instructional goals and engage students mentally.Instructional materials and resources are partially suitable to the instructional goals, or students level of mental engagement is moderate.Instructional materials and resources are unsuitable to the instructional goals or do not engage students mentally. Standard 5: Uses a variety of methods to monitor student learning.CRITERIADistinguishedProficientBasicUnsatisfactoryAligns classroom assessment with instruction.The proposed approach to assessment is completely congruent with the instructional goals, both in content and process.All instructional goals are nominally assessed through the proposed plan, but the approach is more suitable to some goals than others.Some of the instructional goals are assessed through the proposed approach, but many are not.Content and methods of assessment lack congruence with instructional goals.Communicates assessment criteria and standards to all students and parents.Assessment criteria and standards are clear and have been clearly communicated to students and parents. There is evidence that students contribute to the development of the criteria and standards.Assessment criteria and standards are clear and have been clearly communicated to students and parents.Assessment criteria and standards have been developed but they either are not clear or have not been clearly communicated to students and parents.The assessment plan contains no clear criteria or standards.Understands and uses the results of multiple assessments to guide planning and instruction.Multiple assessments are used to guide the teachers planning and instruction on a regular basis. Students have input to planning and instruction.Multiple assessments are used to guide the teachers planning and instruction on a regular basis.Some assessments are used for teacher information. The assessments tend to be random and unrelated.There are no assessments used in planning or for modifications to instruction.Guides students in goal and assessing their own learning.Students actively engage in their own goal setting with each unit. Students assess their own progress on standards and criteria and provide input to the teacher for further progress.Students actively engage in their own goal setting with each unit. Students assess with their own progress on standards and criteria.There is some evidence of student goal setting. Students occasionally assess their own progress on standards and criteria.There is no evidence of student goal setting or assessing their own progress on standards and criteria.Provides substantive, timely, and constructive feedback to students and parents.Feedback is consistently of high quality and given in a timely and effective manner. Provision is made for students to use the feedback in a constructive manner.Feedback is consistently of high quality and given in a timely and constructive manner.Feedback is inconsistent in quality and often not given in a timely manner. Some elements of high quality are present; others are not.Feedback is either not provided or is of uniformly poor quality.Works with other staff and building and district leadership in analysis of student progress.The teacher is highly proactive in serving the needs of students and works with other staff to accomplish greater student achievement. The teacher seeks out methods and resources to help improve student achievement.The teacher is active in serving the needs of students and works with other staff to improve student achievement.The teacher attempts to serve student needs on an inconsistent basis.The teacher is not alert to student needs. Standard 6: Demonstrates competence in classroom management.CRITERIADistinguishedProficientBasicUnsatisfactoryCreates a learning community that encourages positive social interaction, active engagement, and self-regulation for every student.There is excellent social interaction between the students and the teacher; students not working with the teacher are engaged in learning activities; and seldom so students need regulation or direction. Students appear to be self-motivated and know how to proceed when finished with activities.There is good social interaction between the students and the teacher; students not working with the teacher are generally engaged in learning activities; and very few students need regulation or direction.There is some social interaction between the students and the teacher; some students not working with the teacher are not productively engaged in learning activities; and some students need constant regulation and direction.There is little social interaction between the students and the teacher; students not working with the teacher are not productively engaged in learning activities; and students need constant regulation and direction.Establishes, communicates, models, and maintains standards of responsible student behavior.Standards of conduct are clear to all students and appear to have been developed with student participation. Monitoring by teacher is subtle and preventive. Students monitor their own behavior; correcting one another respectfully. Teacher response to misbehavior if highly sensitive to students needs, or student behavior is generally appropriate.Standards of conduct are clear to all students. Teacher is alert to student behavior at all times. Teacher response to misbehavior is appropriate and successful and respects the students dignity, or students behavior is generally appropriate.Standards of conduct appear to have been established for most situations, and most students seem to understand what the standards are. Teacher is generally aware of student behavior but may miss activities of some students. Teacher attempts to respond to student misbehavior but with uneven results or no serious disruptive behavior occurs.No standards of conduct appear to have been established, or students are confused as to what the standards are. Student behavior is not monitored, and teacher is unaware of what students are doing. Teacher does not respond to misbehavior or the response is inconsistent, overly repressive, or does not respect the students dignity.Develops and implements classroom procedures and routines that support high expectations for student learning.Systems for performing non-instructional duties are well-established with students assuming considerable responsibility for efficient operation. Transitions are seamless with students assuming some responsibility for efficient operation. Groups work independently with students assuming some responsibility for productivity.Systems for performing non-instructional duties results in little loss of instructional time. Transitions occur smoothly with little loss of instructional time. Tasks for group work are organized and groups are managed so most students are engaged at all times.Systems for performing non-instructional duties result in loss of instructional time. Transitions are sporadically efficient resulting in some loss of instructional time. Tasks for group work are partially organized, resulting in some off-task behavior when the teacher is involved with another group.Considerable instructional time is lost in performing non-instructional duties. Much time is lost during transitions. Students not working with the teacher are not productively engaged in learning.Uses instructional time effectively to maximize student achievement.Instructional time is used efficiently and effectively with students assuming some responsibility for efficient operations.Instructional time is used efficiently and effectively.Some instructional time is wasted or not used efficiently or effectively.Instructional time is wasted or not used efficiently or effectively.Creates a safe and purposeful learning environment.The classroom is safe; and students adjust the condition/arrangement of the classroom to advance their own purposes in the learning activities.The classroom is safe; and the condition/arrangement of the classroom is a resource for the learning activities.The classroom is safe; and the condition/arrangement of the classroom is adjusted to the lesson activities with limited effectiveness.The classroom is unsafe, or the condition/arrangement of the classroom is not suited to the lesson activities or both.Standard 7: Engages in professional growth.CRITERIADistinguishedProficientBasicUnsatisfactoryDemonstrates habits and skills of continuous inquiry and learning.Teacher makes a thoughtful assessment of a lessons effectiveness and the extent to which instructional goals were achieved and cites many specific examples from the lesson to support the judgement. Drawing from an extensive repertoire of skills, the teacher offers specific alternative actions, complete with probable successes of different approaches.Teacher makes an accurate assessment of a lessons effectiveness and the extent to which instructional goals were achieved and can cite general references to support the judgement. Teacher makes a few specific suggestions about how to improve the lesson.Teacher has a generally accurate impression of a lessons effectiveness and the extent to which instructional goals were achieved. Teacher makes general suggestions about how a lesson may be improved.Teacher does not know if a lesson was effective of achieved its goals, or profoundly misjudges the success of a lesson. Teacher has no suggestions for how a lesson may be improved another time.Works collaboratively to improve professional practice and student learning.Support and cooperation characterize relationships with colleagues. Teacher takes initiative in assuming leadership among the faculty. Teacher initiates important activities to contribute to the profession, such as mentoring, suggesting learning activities, or making presentations.Support and cooperation characterize relationships with colleagues. Teacher participates actively in assisting other educators.Teacher maintains cordial relationships with colleagues to fulfill the duties that the school or district requires. Teacher makes limited effort to share knowledge with others or to assume professional responsibilities.Teachers relationships with colleagues are negative or self-serving. Teacher makes no effort to share knowledge with others or to assume professional responsibilities.Applies research, knowledge, and skills from professional development opportunities to improve practice.Teacher seeks out opportunities for professional development and makes a systemic attempt to conduct action research in their classroom.Teacher seeks out opportunities for professional development to enhance knowledge and pedagogical skills.Teacher participates in professional activities to a limited extent when they are convenient.Teacher engages in no professional development activities to enhance knowledge or skill.Establishes and implements professional development plans based upon the teachers needs aligned to the Iowa teaching standards and district/building student achievement goals.Teacher has a continuous improvement plan for professional development that aligns with the Iowa teaching standards and the building/district achievement goals.Teacher has a developed plan for professional development. It aligns with the Iowa teaching standards and the building/district student achievement goals.Teacher has a limited plan for professional development. It lacks development. It lacks alignment with the Iowa teaching standards and the building/districts student achievement goals.Teacher has no professional development plan. Standard 8: Fulfills professional responsibilities established by the school district.CRITERIADistinguishedProficientBasicUnsatisfactoryAdheres to board policies, district procedures, and contractual obligations.The teacher is active in framing Board policies, district procedures, and contractual obligations and does not need a reminder of obligations in these areas.The teacher is familiar with Board policies, district procedures, and contractual obligations and is seldom reminded of obligations in these areas.The teacher is vaguely familiar with Board policies, district procedures, and contractual obligations and is sometimes reminded of obligations in these areas.The teacher is unaware of Board policies, district procedures, and contractual obligations and must be reminded of these areas on a regular basis.Demonstrates professional and ethical conduct as defined by state law and district policy.The teachers professional or ethical practices follow the Iowa Code and/or district policies and actively works to add improvements in these areas.The teachers professional or ethical practices follow the Iowa Code and/or district policies.Teacher exhibits a few questionable professional or ethical practices as established in the Iowa Code and/or district policies and has to be reminded of their consequences.Teacher exhibits some questionable professional or ethical practices as established in the Iowa Code and/or district policies.Contributes to efforts to achieve district and building goals.The teacher connects what is happening in her/his classroom and the districts/buildings student achievement goals by through instruction that implement the goals. Students are actively involved in the formation of activities to attain the goals.Teacher makes the connection between what is happening in her/his classroom and the districts/buildings student achievement goals by designing instruction to implement the goals.Teacher sees some connection between what is happening in her/his classroom and the districts/buildings student achievement goals.Teacher sees little connection between what is happening in her/his classroom and the districts/buildings student achievement goals.Demonstrates an understanding of and respect for all learners and staff.Teacher demonstrates genuine caring and respect for individual students. Students exhibit respect for teacher as an individual, beyond that for the role.Teacher-student interactions are friendly and demonstrate general warmth, caring and respect. Such interactions are appropriate to the developmental or cultural norms. Students exhibit respect for the teacher.Teacher interactions are generally appropriate but may reflect occasional inconsistencies, favoritism, or disregard to the age or culture of the students. Students exhibit only minimal respect for the teacher.Teacher interaction with at least some students is negative, demeaning, sarcastic, or inappropriate to the age or culture of the students. Students exhibit disrespect for the teacher.Collaborates with students, families, colleagues, and communities to enhance student learning.Teacher provides complete and frequent information to students, parents, and colleagues to enhance student achievement and the instructional program. Students participate in preparing materials for their families.Teacher provides frequent information to students, parents, and colleagues as appropriate, to enhance student learning and the instructional program.Teacher participates in the schools activities for student, parent, and colleague communication but offers little additional information.Teacher provides little information about the instructional program to enhance learning for students, parents, or colleagues. 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